Red Kane or Thomas Kane as he was known as, was a leading figure in one of the most vindictive gang wars to have ever...
William “Big Bill” Dwyer – Bootlegger
William Vincent "Big Bill" Dwyer was born and raised Hell’s Kitchen, although he would avoid the temptations of quick...
Lucky Luciano & The Rothstein Questioning
November 19, 1928, just thirteen days after Arnold Rothstein’s murder, “Charlie Lucky” Lucania aka Charles Luciano was...
Mad Dog Coll’s Final Phone Call
February 8, 1932, Vincent Coll and his unidentified bodyguard took a short stroll from the Cornish Arms, where Coll...
Easy Money for Vincent “Mad Dog” Coll
With the police, media and his enemies all looking for him, Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll had been hiding in Upstate New...
Dutch Schultz gets arrested
After a bloody gang war with Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll and his gang, Arthur Flegenheimer or Dutch Schultz as he is better...
“Vannie” Higgins in a Shootout in Bay Ridge Brooklyn
Charles "Vannie" Higgins lived in an apartment on Ridge Boulevard, in Brookly much to the annoyance of his neighbors....
The failed hot on Eddie Diamond
Sometime in 1927, Eddie Diamond was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis, by the following year Eddie packed up his...
The Roaring Twenties
The Roaring Twenties. The Prohibition Laws, the Eighteenth Amendment & Volstead Act, had just been passed banning...