Thomas Snake Kinney was a Missouri state senator, he was one of the founding members of the infamous Egan's Rats, a...
Big Tim Sullivan – As corrupt as the rest of Tammany Hall
Big Tim Sullivan was just as corrupt as you would expect from Tammany Hall whose influence back then reached deep into...
Red Kane kills the Yellow Kid in court – Egans Rats St. Louis
Red Kane or Thomas Kane as he was known as, was a leading figure in one of the most vindictive gang wars to have ever...
William “Big Bill” Dwyer – Bootlegger
William Vincent "Big Bill" Dwyer was born and raised Hell’s Kitchen, although he would avoid the temptations of quick...
John McKane Brooklyn’s very own Boss Tweed
John Y. McKane became Brooklyn's answer to Tammany Hall's Boss Tweed although McKane wouldnt be as quite well known,...
Boss Tweed – The Most Corrupt Politician of his Time
Boss Tweed or William Magear Tweed was legendary for his total corruption & his enormous financial takings...
Veronica Guerin – A Reporter Killed Doing Her Job
Veronica Guerin was a crime reporter for the Sunday Independent before she was murdered by gangsters who controlled...
Ragen’s Colts – A Southside Chicago Gang
Ragen's Colts were a street gang which dominated the Chicago underworld during the early twentieth century. Made up of...
The Five Points
The Five Points was a 19th-century neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, New York. The neighborhood was bound by Center...