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Al Capone and The Irish Mob

Al Capone and The Irish Mob

Alphonse Capone or just Al Capone instantly recognizable as one of the most notorious and well-known figures of the Twentieth Century. He had many other aliases, Snorky, Scarface, Scarface Al, and Al Brown, used furniture salesman. Capone was both an ally and enemy to...

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The Untold Story of the Diamond Brothers Gang

The Untold Story of the Diamond Brothers Gang

This photograph, which was taken in 1926, is quite an unusual police line-up for in 1926 these four were known as the Diamond Brothers gang, headed by the infamous Jack "Legs" Diamond and his younger brother Eddie. Also in the photo is Thomas "Fatty" Walsh, another...

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Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly

Kevin Kelly was a member of the Westies who joined the gang in the late 1970's. He worked his way up through the ranks of the gang, starting off as an enforcer and debt collector. He would be used by the older members as muscle to collect their loans. In one instance...

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Bugging 98 Prince Street

Bugging 98 Prince Street

In the pursuit of bringing down the Mafia in Boston's North End, John Connolly had help from Whitey Bulger & Steve Flemmi who had supplied Connolly with a diagram of where to place the bugs in the office in Angulo's headquarters at 98...

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A night with the Whyo’s

A night with the Whyo’s

The Whyo's gang were described by journalists as one of the worst to have ever infested the city of New York. Founded in the late 1800's, they ruled the old Five Points neighborhood, the 4th & 6th wards with a reign of terror from 1860 to 1890, their call Why-ooo,...

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The Hudson Dusters

The Hudson Dusters

The Hudson Dusters were a street gang that were founded in the late 1890s by “Circular Jack”, “Kid Yorke”, and Francis “Goo Goo" Knox, the gang began operating from an apartment house on Hudson Street. Goo Goo Knox, a former and noted member of the Gopher Gang who...

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The Death of Edward Fats McCarthy Popke

The Death of Edward Fats McCarthy Popke

Fats McCarthy was one Vincent "Mad Dog" Colls trusted associate's and most trusted trigger man, and had once been one of Dutch Schultz's men but left Schultz operation when Coll parted ways with Schultz. McCarthy, who's real name was Edward Popke, was with Vincent...

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Chicago’s 1920’s Taxicab Wars Part 1

Chicago’s 1920’s Taxicab Wars Part 1

Chicago's Taxicab Wars took place throughout the 1920's when rival taxi company's went to war with each other to gain business and to put the other out of business. The Taxicab Wars seen kidnappings, shootings, bombings and murders in open warfare on Chicago's streets...

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The Dunnes – Dublin’s Original Crime Family

The Dunnes – Dublin’s Original Crime Family

The Dunne's began life on the streets of the Liberties area of Dublin, their parents had a clothes stall in the Francis Street markets, they later moved to the Dolphin's Barn area, where they lived on Rutland Avenue, Dublin City Corporation houses that were built in...

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