
Early Characters
Patrick “Burly” Bohan & The Doctors Saloon

Patrick “Burly” Bohan & The Doctors Saloon

Patrick "Burly" Bohan was a saloon keeper and owner of The Doctor's, a popular Park Row dive bar, which was also a hotel of sorts and hangout for panhandlers and professional beggars known as the "Bowery Bums" The dive bars around the Bowery, Five Points & Hells...

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The White Hand Gang at war with itself

The White Hand Gang at war with itself

The White Hand Gangs internal feud was a lot greater than any feud they had with the Italian Black Hand Gang, its said the White Hand Gang, who were mostly Irish were named as a play on the the Italian Black Hand Gang who had been dominate around Brooklyn at the time....

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John McKane Brooklyn’s very own Boss Tweed

John McKane Brooklyn’s very own Boss Tweed

John Y. McKane became Brooklyn's answer to Tammany Hall's Boss Tweed although McKane wouldnt be as quite well known, but his exploits were just the same. Back in the 1800's in the days when New York's Five Boroughs were still separate John Y. McKane was known as the...

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Sophie Lyons – Queen of Thieves

Sophie Lyons – Queen of Thieves

Sophie Lyons was called the queen of thieves but while she was under the guidance of Frederika "Marm" Mandelbaum she was known as the princess of thieves. Sophie Lyons was one of Marm's best and brightest, almost like a daughter to her. Lyons would become one of the...

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Ragen’s Colts – A Southside Chicago Gang

Ragen’s Colts – A Southside Chicago Gang

Ragen's Colts were a street gang which dominated the Chicago underworld during the early twentieth century. Made up of mainly Irish gangsters but there were also Italian, Polish and Jewish gangsters in their ranks. By the late 1920s and early '30s, the gang became...

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