“Wild Jimmy” Haggerty was a criminal in Philadelphia and later in New York City during the mid 19th century. Jimmy...
The Coll Schultz War Part 2 – The Death of a Mad Dog
With the months of May and June being the bloodiest part of the gang war between the Schultz and Coll gangs which left...
The Coll Schultz War Part 1
During the 1930's a gang war broke out between two former associates Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll & Dutch Schultz which...
The Manhattan Savings Institution Bank Robbery 1878
The Manhattan Savings Institution Bank Robbery. On October 27, 1878 The manager of the Manhattan Savings Institution...
Thomas F. Byrnes – Head of the NYPD Detective Unit
Thomas F. Byrnes was an Irish-born NYPD officer, who served as head of the New York City Police Department detective...
Alice Kenny Diamond
Alice Kenny Diamond was the wife of Jack "Legs" Diamond. Alice Diamond put up with a lot when married to Legs, she had...
The Rivington Street Shoot Out
In 1903 rival members of Paul Kelly's Five Point gang & Monk Eastman's gang squared off under the platform of the...
When They Tried To Whack Eddie Diamond
Legs Diamond had one soft spot in life, his brother Eddie. He would have sacrificed everything he owned to bring him...
Yankee Sullivan Prizefighting Champion
Yankee Sullivan real name James Ambrose. he was born in Bandon, Cork in 1811, he was also known as Frank...