McGurks Suicide Hall located at 295 the Bowery in New York was a notorious dive bar and hotel run by John McGurk a...
Patrick “Burly” Bohan & The Doctors Saloon
Patrick "Burly" Bohan was a saloon keeper and owner of The Doctor's, a popular Park Row dive bar, which was also a...
The White Hand Gang at war with itself
The White Hand Gangs internal feud was a lot greater than any feud they had with the Italian Black Hand Gang, its said...
Mad Dog Coll v Borrelli
February 12, 1930, the Schultz-Coll war began with the shooting of Carmine Borelli, one of Dutch Schultz’s top...
Big Tim Sullivan – As corrupt as the rest of Tammany Hall
Big Tim Sullivan was just as corrupt as you would expect from Tammany Hall whose influence back then reached deep into...
Red Kane kills the Yellow Kid in court – Egans Rats St. Louis
Red Kane or Thomas Kane as he was known as, was a leading figure in one of the most vindictive gang wars to have ever...
Henry Hill – The Goodfella Informant
Henry Hill, best known to most people as the character played by Ray Liotta in Martin Scorsese's 1990 masterpiece...
The Ballymount Bloodbath
The Ballymount Bloodbath is an incident that happened between two groups in a warehouse in Dublin on the 6th October...
George C. Parker – The Man Who Sold Brooklyn Bridge
George C. Parker also known as James J. O'Brien, Warden Kennedy, was a con artist born in New York to Irish immigrant...