From Left to Right – Brothers Eddie & Jack “Legs” Diamond, Thomas “Fatty” Walsh & Charles “Lucky” Luciano In...
An Unusual Line-Up
From Left to Right - Brothers Eddie & Jack "Legs" Diamond, Thomas "Fatty" Walsh & Charles "Lucky" Luciano In...
Lucky Luciano goes for a ride
In the aftermath of the shooting at the Hotsy Totsy Club at 1721 Broadway, between 54 & 55th Streets in New York...
Michael Dowd
The 75th Precinct or the 7 5 in Brooklyn, New York was home to one particular notorious cop, Michael Dowd, who was...
The Bowers Mob
Mickey & Harold Bowers - The Bowers Mob or better known as Pistol Local, the name that their local union was...
Jack “Eat Em Up” McManus
Jack "Eat Em Up" McManus (left) & Paul Kelly, real name Paolo Antonio Vaccarelli (right) Jack "Eat 'Em Up" McManus...
Primo Carnera
Primo Carnera (right) & Max Baer (left) Nicknamed the Ambling Alp, Primo Carnera was a staggering 6 foot 6 inches...
Lieutenant Charles Becker
Lieutenant Charles Becker was said to have been the only police officer executed for crimes connected to his official...
Mayor Jimmy Walker
Mayor Jimmy Walker, Mayor of New York City, also known as Beau James. Jimmy Walker was the Tammany Hall candidate for...