Little Annie Reilly also known under the aliases Kate Cooley, Connelly and Manning she was a thief and con artist...
Owney “The Killer” Madden – Leader of the Gopher Gang
When Madden assumed control of the Gopher Gang in Hell's Kitchen his territory stretched from below 42nd Street and...
Charlotte “Lottie” Kreisberger / Coll
The quintessential mob moll, a street wise German Jewish girl Lottie Kreisberger was first Vincent Coll's girlfriend...
Vincent “Mad Dog” Coll
Originally from Gweedore, County Donegal, Ireland the Coll family emigrated in New York in 1909 Vincent "Mad Dog" Coll...
The Whyos Gang
The Whyos Gang were a street gangs of New York, they were the city's dominant street gang during the mid-late 19th...
Mulberry Street / Mulberry Bend
The photo is a picture of an unnamed real Gang of New York in Bandits Roost an alley somewhere in Mulberry Street. Its...
The Short Tails
The Short Tails (Not to be confused with the Shirt Tails, who were an earlier gang) This is a photo of a real Gang of...
The Child Gangs of New York
The photo is a child gang of orphans that lived in the alleys somewhere around Mulberry Street and was taken in 1888....
The Bowery Bum’s
The photo is from inside the Oak Street Police Station. Its part of a collection called How The Other Half Live the...